
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Look Forward to Club

October 21... My very last freshmen practice (I remember it like it was yesterday... Oh right, it was), I found myself thinking about August 21, my very first game of the season. Hard to believe that was two months ago, wow so much has happened since then. I can hardly remember that game to be honest, I mean I know that it was a home game where we played Tooele. The entire football team showed up to cheer us on, basketball supported us from the open weight room upstairs, and our cheerleaders were there. My parents, both brothers, sister-in-law, niece and Dillon were all there as well, which didm’t always get to happen during the rest of the season. At that time I didn’t have a starting position so I was thankful and eager (probably a bit overeager), to get whatever playing time I did.

But like I said, a lot has changed since then. I learned a whole new position, improved greatly on what I already knew, and gained a better relationship with my teammates than I expected. By the end of this season I had a starter position as a DS or Defense Specialist, which basically means I’m a good passer and they want me back row with the libero to return down balls and serves. That seems easy enough right? Wrong! These balls are almost never easy, but that was my job and I liked the challenge. Although, as much as I enjoyed playing back row,when Sofia, my opposite, was out of town for a little while due to ski jumping nationals, I got to play front row. Me! I was so excited I swear you could see the beams of light coming off of me.

That’s not everything though, there were new games, new drills, six-on-six, triples tournaments with the program (during one of which my friend Hali broke the freshmen coach’s finger), the regional tournament, the doubles tournament that we played in Halloween costumes yesterday. All of our wins and our losses, and the dreaded conditioning days (yikes!) and every practice in between. I can still remember seeing my name on the roster list, trying to Snapchat a video of it and shaking so hard you could barely read my name. All of it was an important part of this freshmen season for me.I’m so sad that this season has com to an end, I can’t wait to do it all again next year (y’know, if I make the team again). For now though, at least I can look forward to club.
My jerseys from this freshmen season.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Play Tough

Long rally, I’m thinking as the point is still being played out after a couple minutes. Finally, after a lot of work at the net by our girls, the ball drops. Quick, deep, nonreturnable, and most importantly, on the other side. Yes! There ya go girls!  Then I look up, “Coach?” She nods, that’s my cue, I call “Sub!” to the ref and then meet Sofia on the ten foot line. When the ref gives us the oaky to switch, she’s out and I’m in. Okay, time to serve… Deep breath, just run through my usual routine, I got this. There are a few, “Let’s go Sarah!”’s and then the gym goes silent. The up ref blows her whistle and sweeps her hand out in front of her, I can go.

I take a deep breath and start my approach. A low toss and a fast swing, Go! is the only thing I’m thinking about as I land and break to my position. It’s good, skimming just over the net and dropping between two of the other players. My team jumps into a circle with an “Aaaaaaaaaa Ace! Woo!” popping our jerseys. I grab the ball and run back to serve again. I’m met with “Yeah, keep it up Sarah!” from many of my teammates and a “Nice job.” from Jess, the line judge on this side. Alright, let’s do it again; same short toss, same fast swing. The serve is good, placed away from the last and a little higher, but it’s in and the ball is in play. I see their setter preparing for a four set, and knowing that hitter, it’s coming over, hard.

I get down, this ball is coming to me. It’s fast and powerful, This won’t be a very pretty pass but… It wasn’t a pass at all. That ball hit my arms and went flying in the complete opposite direction I wanted it to. “Crap!” I mutter under my breath as we come into the circle again with a bunch of us saying, “No worries, shake it off!” and returning to our spots. Come on, it’s the last match of the season. Let’s finish strong. We HAVE to beat Morgan. The whistle blows, not for the server, but for a timeout by Park City. We come into the huddle and Coach K looks around saying, "I called this mainly as a refresh, we just need a little break to collect ourselves. Come on girls, play tough."

Our last huddle of the season as the freshmen team

Monday, October 20, 2014

Game Day

It’s 6:00 a.m. on a Thursday. The alarm is slowly fading into Sugar by Maroon 5. Eyes barely opening I look up to the glowing blue screen. Blink quickly, but my vision is still hazy, sigh softly and roll over, thinking Come on Adam, let me sleep. It doesn’t make a difference though, I have to get up. Reluctantly, I turn on the light and stumble blindly towards my bathroom. Ugh, bright lights, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and splashing water on my face. I check the clock again, 6:10 then wet my hair down and go back to my room to get dressed. “Jeans?” I ask to myself, “Yeah, why not.” Forty minutes later get on the bus, the typical exchange of “Hey.” between everyone. Sit down, stuff my practice bag under seat, get my earphones plugged into my phone and curl up against the window for a quiet ride.

7:30, first bell rings, slowly make my way through the hallways. Thinking the same things as always, Walk. Go… Walk! No, don’t stop here, you’re in the middle of the hall. What the hell are you doing? MOVE! If only I could actually say this, but I can’t so I only mutter an “Ugh.” under my breathe and carry on. The class is quiet, Tuesday, everyone remembering that we don’t get out early. The blank looks from my peers are only tiring me further, best to just sit down and get ready for class and hope it goes by quickly. That’s the plan for today, sit down, shut up, and pray for the bell. It works, so why not keep it up all day… Until lunch that is.

Back to my music, the best escape from everything. Plugging my earphones into my phone once again I can space out from what’s around me. Well, I can until Dillon comes up behind me with a hug, “Hey girl, hey!” I turn around smiling, he always knows how to make my day better. “Hey.” I say to the small group of friends forming around me, who always seem to turn up around the same time.  After lunch however we split up, Bella and I walking to the other building for our last period classes. It’s engineering for me, ‘bout time I go to a class I really enjoy. However, that’s not what I’m really looking forward to; I'm waiting for the last bell. It rings, Finally 2:25! I grab my game bag and head towards the gym at last. Stopping in the doorway I take a deep relieving breathe, it’s game day.

The door to the gym in our high school